Information on Data Protection


No personally identifiable information (except for the email voluntarily provided during registration) is collected, stored, used, or shared from either teachers or students, whether using the website or scanning a QR code.

When students use the codes, randomized numbers are assigned to each student, allowing them to review previously accessed resources. These are stored in a database and can later be used by the teacher for statistical purposes. No inferences about devices or individuals are possible.

As this website only uses necessary cookies and no tracking cookies, there is no cookie banner.

Use of the application is possible without granting permissions.

  • Server location in Germany
  • No collection of personal data from students
  • Personal data of teachers during registration: E-Mail
  • No advertising
  • No disclosure of personal data to third parties
  • Compliant with GDPR

Terms of Use

Please read the following Terms of Use applicable to every visitor of the website (following referred to as "website"). By using this website, you implicitly agree to these terms of use. The owner of the website reserves the right to change, delete, or add to the information on this website at any time without prior notice.

The terms of use are designed for educational use. There are no obligations or liability risks for students. The service can be used by students of all ages. The teacher who created the learning aids is responsible for the content displayed in them.

§ 1 Scope

1. The following conditions apply to the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as "Website"). For the use of the website, it is important that you as the user accept the following provisions.

2. By using our website, you agree to the terms of use of our website. By agreeing, you guarantee us that you will not create any contributions that violate the terms of use.

3. The subject matter of is as follows:

The creation of QR code-supported learning aids for variety in the classroom.

§ 2 Contact Details and Legal Information

If you have any questions regarding our website, you can reach us at the following contact details:

Johannes Mann
Neue Medien Kronach
Johann-Kaspar-Zeuß Str. 15
96317 Kronach


Responsible for editorial content in accordance with § 55 paragraph 2 RStV: Johannes Mann

§ 3 Availability of the Website

1. has an availability of 24 hours a day. However, it may happen that this availability is interrupted due to required maintenance work for the system. Interruptions of availability may occur, among other things, due to force majeure or other causes not attributable to, such as intent or gross negligence.

2. Johannes Mann points out:

  • that it is technically impossible to provide the website errorfree and that Johannes Mann therefore has no responsibility for this,
  • that errors can lead to the temporary shutdown of the website,
  • that the availability of these websites is dependent on conditions and services that are outside the sphere of influence of Johannes Mann, such as transmission capacities and telephone connections between the individual parties involved. We are not responsible for disruptions falling within this area.
§ 4 Electronic Communication

When you use a service from or send emails, text messages or other communications from your computer or mobile device to us, you are communicating with us electronically. We will communicate with you in various ways electronically, e.g. via email, text messages or by posting electronic messages or other communication on our website or as part of other services from For contractual purposes, you agree to receive electronic communication from us and that all consents, notifications, publications and other communication that we communicate to you electronically do not require written form unless mandatory applicable legal provisions require another form of communication. You can stop receiving a newsletter by turning it off in your profile.

§ 5 Copyright and Database Rights

1. The entire content contained in or provided through a service from, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads and data collections, is the property of or third parties who supply content or provide it on the website and is protected by German copyright and database rights. Especially user-generated content when creating the learning aids is excluded.

2. The entire inventory of content contained in or provided through a service from is also the exclusive property of and is protected by German copyright and database rights.

3. You may not systematically extract and/or reuse parts of a service from without our express written consent. In particular, you may not use data mining, robots, or similar data collection and extraction programs to extract any substantial parts of a service from for reuse (whether once or multiple times) without the express written consent of Furthermore, you may not create and/or publish your own database that includes substantial parts of a service from without our express written consent.

§ 6 Your Account

1. Access to some (paid) services on the website requires the creation of an account.

2. The creation of an account is only permitted for fully legally competent persons who are provided with the registration form on the website

3. The user agrees to not to provide false information about him-/herself. Furthermore, the user makes sure to regularly check his information to ensure its accuracy.

4. When using a service from, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of your account, password and for restricting access to your computer and mobile devices. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to be responsible for all activities carried out through your account or password. You should take all necessary steps to ensure that your password is kept safe and secure, and you should inform us immediately if you have a reason to believe that a third party has gained knowledge of your password or is using the password unauthorized or is likely to do so. You are responsible for ensuring that the information provided to us is correct and complete, and for informing us of any changes to the information you have provided to us. You can view and update some of the information you have given us on our website.

5. The user can change his password at any time.

6. You may not use a service from in a way that is likely to disrupt, damage or in any other way destroy the services or access to

7. Furthermore, you may not use the services of for fraudulent or criminal activities, illegal activities, harassment or inconvenience.

8. We reserve the right to withhold services on the website or to close member accounts. This applies in particular in the event of a breach of applicable law, contractual agreements or our policies.

9. Users of this website can delete their account at any time via their profile. The user's account and all related content created, such as learning helps and QR codes, will immediately be deleted

§ 7 Claims Arising from Intellectual Property Rights respects the individual property rights of third parties. If you believe that your property rights have been misused and violated, please contact us by email.

§ 8 Liability

We always strive to ensure that the services of are available without interruption and that transmissions are error-free. However, due to the nature of the internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Your access to the services of may be interrupted sometimes or restricted to allow repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new upgrades. We try to limit the frequency and duration of any of these temporary interruptions or restrictions.

§ 9 Links to Other Websites

1. For links that are not operated by Johannes Mann and that are located on their website, we have no way of controlling the content of these websites since they are completely independent of us. This particularly applies to links and contents of learning helps created by teachers.

2. For this reason, we have no responsibility for the content of these websites and the consequences of their use by visitors. Accessing all websites reachable via links is done at your own risk. There will be no separate notice when users leave the website. However, we ask you to immediately inform us of any illegal or doubtful content on the linked website.

§ 10 Cookies

1. This website does not use any tracking cookies that would process personal data in any form. The provided cookies solely serve either the transmission of data over an electronic communications network or are used for services explicitly requested by the user. Therefore, there is no requirement for consent through a so-called "cookie banner" on the website.

2. Cookies are necessary for using the website. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally in the cache of the internet browser of the website visitor.

3. The use of cookies allows us to provide users with a more user-friendly service that would not be possible without this process.

4. We would like to point out that some of these cookies are transferred from our server to your computer system, most of which are so-called session cookies. Session cookies are characterized by the fact that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of the browser session. Other cookies remain on your computer system and enable us to recognize your computer system during your next visit (so-called permanent cookies).

5. In order to explain the purpose of some cookies on this website, some are listed here. The complete list of cookies used can be viewed in your browser.

  • PHPSESSID: This cookie is used for website login. The session ID stores that the user stays logged in when navigating between different pages of qr-studybuddy.
  • darkmode: This cookie stores the preference for using the site in Dark Mode. It can also be set by learners scanning a QR code by selecting the Dark Mode toggle.
  • tokenForKeepLogin: If you choose the option to stay logged in during login, a cookie will be set for this purpose, which remembers this selection for a later visit to the site
  • loesungenSindOptional: This and other similarly named cookies are set when you click away information messages (the blue boxes) in the editor. Again, the task is to ensure that the message is not displayed again.

6. Of course, you can set your browser to not store cookies on your hard drive or to delete already stored cookies. You can find instructions on how to prevent and delete cookies in the help function of your browser or software manufacturer.

§ 11 Changes to the Terms of Use

We reserve the right to make changes to services provided by, rules, conditions, including these terms of use, at any time. You are subject to the general terms and conditions, contract terms and conditions, and terms of use that are in effect at the time you use the services of In case these conditions are invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, this condition will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining conditions.

§ 12 No Waiver

If you violate these terms of use and we take no action against you, we are still entitled to use our rights in any other situation in which you violate these terms of use.

§ 13 Final Provisions

1. The contract language is English.

2. If you violate these general terms of use and we take no action against you, we are still entitled to use our rights in any other situation in which you violate these terms of use.

3. We reserve the right to make changes to our website, rules, conditions, including these terms of use, at any time. If any provision in these terms of use is invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that provision will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

4. The invalidity of one provision does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the contract. If this should occur, the provision shall be replaced by another legally permissible provision which corresponds to the purpose of the invalid provision in terms of its meaning and purpose.