Image-Upload and Math-Formulas

Create your first help in less than 30 s!



After registration, you have a 14 days trial to create aids for free and link them through QR codes. You can change, add, or delete aids later without changing the QR code.

Statistics help you keep track of your students' use of the codes.

Afterwards, the site costs 2.99 € per month.

Register now

Text input, formula editor, images and much more

Create new aids


Text formatting

To design your assistance, you have various formatting tools at your disposal. You can highlight texts in color, write them in bold or center them to make the most important parts immediately recognizable to your students.

Insert images

Upload your own images and insert them into the assistance. This way, your students can quickly set up an experiment based on a template, have useful diagrams at their fingertips, or analyze graphs. The upload is limited to 8 MB per image.

Formula editor

Especially interesting for scientists: With just a few clicks, even complex formulas can be inserted into the program. There is a specific area for mathematics or chemistry:
f open parentheses a close parentheses equals fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 pi i end fraction contour integral subscript gamma space fraction numerator f open parentheses z close parentheses over denominator z minus a end fraction d z

Code lock

The assistance can be protected with a four-digit code. This way, you can prevent your students from opening all the help at once. Could you hide the code creatively within the worksheet...

Phonetic transcription

German as a foreign language? Phonetic transcriptions can be easily integrated into the help with a phonetic keyboard. Alternatively, you can also copy the phonetic transcription directly into the assistance from another program. [jɛs]!

Voice messages

Not only useful for foreign languages: You can record voice messages for your assistances and integrate them in it. Podcasts for tasks are easy with this feature. The pause button included for breaks and continuing recording.

Or any other content from another website.

Insert YouTube-Videos

Schülerin scannt einen QR-Code

Modify, Add, Order, Information

Modify old helps later - the codes remain the same!

Old helps can be edited

Mistakes happen

You can edit your helps afterwards, add more, change the order, or include missing solutions. Your QR codes will not change, so you don't need to print your worksheets.

In your library, you can also download all your created QR codes again and even add whole tasks.

helps can be edited

Individual feedback - easy pickings

Specific solutions

Solution QR codes

Just like with the hints, you can use text formatting, upload images, and insert formulas for the solutions. This allows you to quickly provide sample solutions for comparison.

Pinch-to-zoom allows even large images to be fully captured.


Correct or incorrect?

Your students can compare their solutions with the sample solution you provided using a final QR code and indicate which of the tasks they got right.

This can later be used for statistics.

Two students work on one worksheet

Information on using the hints

Numbers, numbers,


Keep track of everything

With the help of the statistics, you have everything in view. The number of QR codes you created in total, in addition to the number of hints opened by students, provides information about the success of your teaching with digital media.

If you use QR codes with pre-defined solutions, you will also see how many of your students got the right result with your hints.


Using the hints

How many of my students have used which of the offered hints? This can also be used to assess the success of an individual hint. If the number of hints opened afterwards decreases significantly, it means that the current hint was effective.

This can also be sorted by school years so that the individual usages do not accumulate.

Register now