New File Formats Allowed During Upload Allow Much More Than Just Images.

New File Formats Allowed During Upload Allow Much More Than Just Images.

Just before school starts again in Bavaria, there is a long-awaited new feature on the statistics page. Until now, it was possible to display for each worksheet how often which aid was called up in the current school year. It also shows when the aid was last used (7:45 am on today's school day does not speak for proper preparation at home, class 8c!). Conclusions can be drawn about particularly helpful content that is provided via qr-studybuddy.

Problem: If you wanted to try out the helps yourself in advance, that also counted towards the statistics and could not be deleted. Also unfortunate: If you have parallel classes and use the worksheet with the QR codes several times in the same school year, it cannot be broken down individually for every class.

That's why there is now the option to choose the period for the statistics down to the minute. If you want to create the helps the day before and want to try them out on different devices yourself, that's no longer a problem. Even parallel classes that you may be teaching on the same day can be evaluated individually.

Thanks to Yannic for the great idea!

Johannes Mann
posted on September 10, 2022