Improved H5P Integration for More Complex, Interactive Content

Improved H5P Integration for More Complex, Interactive Content

Holiday season is update time! While the carnival season is coming to an end in Bavaria, some important new features have been integrated into the site. The possibility of integrating interactive H5P content into the learning helps has been available for some time. However, there were problems when the content was more complex than a simple multiple choice survey.
When opening the help button, they were not displayed correctly, only an empty box appeared. However, in the editor (both when creating and in the library), they were displayed correctly.

The bug was quite easy to fix: Since the (slightly more complex) H5P content was initially "hidden" behind the qr-learning aid buttons, they had a height of 0 px. When the helps were opened, they maintained this height and were therefore not displayed. The script for opening a button has now been modified so that it reloads the H5P content first and now uses the correct height.

Many thanks to Kirsten and Jan, who discovered and reported this bug almost simultaneously.

Have you ever discovered a bug or do you want a new feature? Then write a short email to For every fixed bug or integrated feature, you will receive a monthly license for free.

In addition, there were some improvements in this update: Better understandable error messages are now displayed when uploading unsupported file extensions and the automatic backups have been optimized in memory.

Johannes Mann
posted on February 25, 2023